
No Google Summer of Code

No Google Summer of Code interns for concurrency.cc this year, but that did not come as a great surprise. This years application was in large motivated by us having talked about submitting to GSoC for a few years, but never actually doing it. We have never really had enough time to do the application and we have not seen ourselves as an organisation with the right profile to get accepted. However, without submitting an application there is no chance of getting accepted and this year we decided to just do it. We did, did not get accepted, and now have some time to reflect on what would make us more attractive as a mentoring organisation for GSoC in the future. Building a bigger and more active community is probably a good start in this respect.

So, while we’re not going to get any Google Summer of Code interns this year, that should not stop anyone from downloading the software, joining the mailing lists, and doing awesome stuff.

Congrats to all the organisations that did get accepted.