Today, class did not proceed as planned from last class period. We had planned on working with the Arduinos, unfortunately, some guy name Matt Jadud locked the Arduinos in his office. Consequently, today consisted of redefining the direction we want this course to go in. We have have decided that we should:
The remaining time was spent reading about the background of the Tranterpreter and about its structure and performance. Of course, writing this blog post was also part of the class. :p
From our understanding of the reading, we were able to see that the Transterpeter still has room for improvement in speeds, but it provides a substantial boost in speed (10%) when running PAR. Based on our understanding of what we will be using occam-pi and the Transterperter for, this is essential. Due to us being limited in our hardware, we need to be able to have programs that have small footprints, and yet can be run at high speeds in PAR.
Using Occam and the Transterpreter is an excellent choice for introductory robotics programming in LEGO MindStorms Kit because: